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Le Conquet

Le Conquet is a fishing port situated in the Northwest of France, in Brittany.  It is the most westerly town on the French mainland, and is less than an hour and a half's drive from the ferry port of Roscoff, which is served by ferries from Plymouth.  The historic city of Brest lies just over half an hour's drive away to the East. 


In the Breton language, Le Conquet is known as Konk-Leon.

The region is renowned for its high quality foods.  One of these is onions.  In days gone by, since the early 19th Century, "Onion Johnnies"  would travel from Brittany all over Britain, as far as Scotland, selling onions door to door.  With their plaited strings of onions, each weighing up to 2kg, tied to their bikes, their berets, striped jerseys and cigarettes, they were a familiar sight, giving rise to the British stereotype of the French.


However, even at the peak of the trade, when in 1929, there were some 1,500 Onion Johnnies plying their trade, they were all Bretons, coming from the local area near Roscoff.


Other local specialities include globe artichokes (pictured to the left), Breton cider, crêpes and galettes.


Brittany is the second largest cider producing region in France, and also has a good tradition of artisinal beers.


Crêpes (pancakes) are popular throughout France, but originate in Brittany.  Gallettes are similar, being made with buckwheat, and are often served as a savoury dish.


A trip to the local market is a feast for the senses - the sights, sounds, smells and, (if you ask nicely) occasional tasters, of produce from the region and further afield abound.

The strong links between Le Conquet and Llandeilo are evident when you stumble across a red telephone box (being used as a mini community library) which was a present to mark the 30th anniversary of twinning in 2010, and one particular local roadsign...


There is so much to see in the local area - too much to put it all down here!  From visiting the lighthouse at Pointe Saint Mathieu (pictured to the left), to the Musée Mémoires 39-45 housed in an World War 2 German bunker, or the thrilling zip-wire across the sea to Fort de Bertheaume to visiting the crab fishery in Le Conquet itself there's a lot to do. 


If you enjoy staying active, then walking along local beaches, taking a dip in the sea, strolling in the beautiful countryside, or joining the locals in their passion for cycling will hopefully keep you occupied.


The best way to find out what the locality has to offer is to visit - and one of the best ways to visit is by joining Llandeilo Town Twinning Association!  You will not only get to visit the locality, but also stay with a local family, discovering Breton cuisine and traditions firsthand, as well as making friends - both in Le Conquet and Llandeilo.  Don't worry if you don't speak French - plenty of us struggle, but we always get by, and its never too late to learn!


If you would like to know more, please get in touch with us.

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